1132 Budapest, Nyugati tér 5. III./2.
+361 237 6050







Debt collection

Real estate



Law of


Law of

Health law

Dealing with this specific field of law for three decades contributes to the speciality of our Law Firm. During our work, we principally endeavour to foster the practicing of medical profession in accordance with the regulations of the law. We inform our Clients that regarding cases in which a healthcare provider that works under surveillance of the National Healthcare Services Centreis involved, we only may assume the representation of the hospital. At any institute not standing under the control of the mentioned authority, we are glad to assist our Clients with representation against the healthcare provider. We assume full representation regarding enforcement of vindications related to healthcare issues, employment issues of those working in healthcare and eventual claims regarding medical malpractice cases. During our work, beyond taking care of the issues of providers and their patients financed by National Insurance, we also offer the representation of providers working in the private sector and the parties confronting them.

Employment law

In company registration processes, representation by a lawyer is obligatory so our activity covers the classical fields of company law. The legal activity of our office in this matter primarily includes compiling documents related to founding companies and representing such entities. We provide our Clients with proper and comprehensive advice so that they can comprehend the regulations and conditions related to the various forms of companies aiming that they may decide about the type of company most favourable for their initial purposes. Given from the concept of legality and obligation settled by law, a company is required to register the changes (e.g. change of the seat, owner, director etc.) occurred in its details listed in the Company Registry.Our office also provides whole consultancy, aid with editing documents and representation throughout the proceedings to amend company information. We also offer our servicesin liquidation procedures, aiming the dissolution of a company without legal successor.

Contract law

Nowadays, businesses are fundamentally required to prepare a written contract of any of their transactions. Our Office shall readily provide assistance to our Clients in composing, editing and countersigning their contracts, beyond these, we also assume full representation towards authorities and any third person so that the rights of the Parties may fully prevail.

Relief law

Our Office has an extensive and long-time experience in the field of compensation cases, we have special experience in the field of healthcare-related harms. However, our services, of course, consist not only of healthcare-related cases: we are at our Clients’ disposal in classical contractual relief issues or in cases of vindications based on family law or economy law relationships. Beyond taking part in litigious processes, we also offer help in settling the compensation cases via discussions between the parties.

Insurance law

We often meet difficulties regarding insurances, from the contraction phase until the end of such relations. Which conditions should be taken into consideration when taking out an insurance? What are the risks one should face? What are the rights of the insurance company, the customer and insurance agent? When does the insurance company complete the payment to the policy-holder and how may an insurancebe ended? There are several complicated circumstances of legal nature behind these questions, in which our Office gladly aids any of the actors included in the transactions.

Debt collection services

In many cases, the vindications of the obligee will not be returned within the deadlines settled in commitments thus jeopardizing the operation of an entity. There are many processes to remedy such situations (order of payment, law suits), out of which liquidation process (or involuntary bankruptcy proceedings) is to be emphasized. Our Law Firm offers representation in liquidation proceedings on the side of the obligee, in the two following steps: in the first instance, a notice of payment is addressed to the debtor. If within the deadlines set out in the mentioned document, no payment is performed or no agreement between the parties is reached, our Office shall initiate the process of liquidation, during which we provide full representation to the Client.

Real estate law

The range of transactions related to real estates is rather wide: we can find classical sale and purchase contracts, lease contracts, issues of condominium properties, administration regarding pieces of land, or cases emerged from rights of marketable value, including cases, in which credit from banks are also demanded by the parties. Our Office assumes a complex administration of any types of transactions: beyond compiling the contracts and providing legal advice to the Parties during their talks, we also take care of their representation in the process of the Land Registry Office and fee issues.

Labour law

One of the significant fields of our Office’s activity is labour law. We mainly represent employers, however, in some cases we also take care of issues on the part of employees. Amongst our Clients you can find employers with more hundred or eventually more thousand employees, who provide for different sectors of the industry. We are in daily contact with the representatives of our principals, and cooperate with them, we remedy the problems emerging during their every-day work (by providing legal advice, editing documents and eventually by representing them in law suits or non-litigious processes).
We also assist our Clients with compiling internal working regulations, thus supporting the employer to work in full harmony with the most recent regulations of the law.

Family law

Our Office readily participates in all fields of family law cases of our Clients, especially in marital agreements, compiling and countersigning of contracts on dividing matrimonial assets. Through our co-workers, we offer assistance in divorce suits, cases regarding the placement of children and suits regarding demands of maintenance both on the side of the mother or the father. We assume full representation of the Clients during discussions between the parties, at litigious and non-litigious processes and during the communication with any of the authorities.

Law of non-governmental organisations

The expression ‘non-governmental organisation’ is an umbrella term which covers entities that work independently from the government and are founded to voluntarily achieve a given aim of public utility. The fundamental regulation of such organisations can be found since March 2014 in the Civil Code of Hungary which is stricter than the former regulation. Beyond the Civil Code, several acts regulate the existence of NGOs so the conditioning of such entities is very extensive. Our Office provides advice mainly on the founding and amending of such organisations (societies, foundations), elaborates the necessary documents and their appendices and takes care of the representation of these organisations at the Court of Registration, thus making the administration quicker and easier.

Commercial law

Commercial transactions made in large volume include a number of law-related risks. Furthermore, in most cases such transactions should be in accordance not only with Hungarian law but with European Union regulations as well. In these difficult businesses, many actors take role: vendors, purchasers, resellers, delivery companies, storage companies, banks and, of course, the authorities that primarily have permitting and controlling activities. Should our Clients take any role in these chain, we are at their disposal, letting them see through the whole transaction and provide help with any of their issues.

Law of succession

Based on our experience of decades in the law of succession, we provide assistance to our Clients in any type of inheritance, both succession by law or inheritance upon a testament. We assume full representation from the announcement of the decease, during the legacy process, including the communication with fellow heirs and the public notary and, if relevant, during the litigious process of inheritance. We help our Clients in composing, editing and guarding their testaments so that the will of the Client shall be supremely fulfilled.


Since 1991 I have been a member of the Budapest Bar of Attorneys.

My office is in Budapest XIII. district, Nyugati tér 5. 3rd floor #2.
I have a number of advocate colleagues and my assistant in helping me with the tasks my clients give administration colleague.

Since 1992 I have been dealing with health law, several national medical institutions, and I represent a private health care provider as a lawyer.

For all areas related to the operation of healthcare institutions I have gained knowledge in the last 26 years, so not only business or commissioning I am aware of the nature of their contracts or the nature of their civil service, but also the institutions’ financing, liability and property insurance, methodological, I also see the controlling area. Of course, it is commonplace during the above activity I represent my institutional representation in the enforcement of patients’ rights as well continuous consultation with the health insurance fund, contractual negotiations.

We also represent our foreign clients to a high standard, in German and / or English talking in the office.


The fee of attorney is subject to agreement.
The extent of the fee typically depends on the complexity of the case, how valuable the object of the transaction is and the level of responsibility taken by the attorney at the given case.
The fee may be determined in one sum, such as a stabilized fee, hourly paid fee, a fee determined in percentage, a success fee or the compound of these.

At litigious civil law cases, the costs of the litigation burden the party losing the suit. The winner party may demand that the court should oblige the losing party-on the cause of fee of attorney and cash expenses- to pay the amount set in the agreement existing between the client and the attorney and the cash expenses paid by the client to her or his representative. This fee may be decreased by the court in justified case, if the fee is exaggerated in comparison with the value of the object of the case or with the actual involvement of the attorney. If there is no agreement between the client and the attorney regarding the fee of taking care of the case, or if the client wishes, the court shall determine the amount of the fee upon the regulations of the Decree issued by the Minister of Justice. The Decree shall prevail exclusively for litigious and non-litigious cases running at courts.


Dr. Keszthelyi Oszkár Law Firm
1132 Budapest, Nyugati tér 5. III/2.
(entryphone #15)
Tel: +361 237 6050
Fax: +361 332 4573